Funded Courses

Nationally Recognised Training

Funded Courses


Construction Skills Queensland (CSQ) is an industry-funded body that supports the workforce in the building and construction industry. CSQ funds a range of training programs to reduce the cost for trainees or employers. CSQ provides funding through Registered Training Organisations like Training Services for training and skills development within the construction industry.

Are you actively working in the construction industry or have been in the last 4 Years? The short courses are designed to get you up-skilled fast with nationally recognised training.

The funding of the service is available to eligible participants that are hands on in Construction in Queensland and will be provided to the successful participant upon completion of each approved short course. Training Services are proud to be offered a 2022 – 2024 CSQ Short Courses Civil and Building Specific contract for the Mackay, Far North and Northern regions.

There are numerous courses on offer under the 2022 – 2024 CSQ Training Program. Please contact us for further information.

Funding is limited to the maximum funding amount under the contract! For the current program, which runs from 1st Oct 2022 to 30th Sept 2024, each eligible participant is able to access up to eight CSQ funded Civil and Building Specific Short Courses. Funding is not available for any courses previously completed by a participant or for a Verification of Competency. If the chosen course has been issued or funded previously the student will have to pay all costs incurred by Training Services QLD.

Participant Eligibility Criteria

1.Eligible Participant means:

That you reside in Queensland and  are:

(a) an Australian or New Zealand citizen; or

(b) a permanent resident of Australia; or

(c) a visa holder with relevant permission to work.

And NOT be:

(a) currently enrolled and participating in a Queensland secondary school program (excluding a school based Apprentice or Trainee);

(b) a contracted trainer or assessor or existing worker of an RTO;

(c) funded by an Authority or such other source for delivery of the same Training being undertaken as part of this Program; or

(d) seeking a Verification of Competency (or Determination of Competency) services under this Agreement.

2. In addition to Item 1, for the purpose of eligibility for The Short Courses, Participants must be:

(a) an Eligible Worker; or

(b) an Unemployed Eligible Worker.

An Eligible Worker is a current Employee in the Building and Construction Industry who has as a minimum of  a one day employment relationship with their Employer. The working relationship can be built up through full-time, part-time or casual employment, or engagement as a contract worker. An Eligible Worker has the same meaning as the Building and Construction Industry (Portable Long Services Leave) Act 1991 (Qld) as amended from time to time.

An Unemployed Eligible Worker is a person who has been unemployed for a period of not greater than 4 years that would otherwise meet the requirements of an Eligible Worker.

Please contact Training Services today for more information on eligibility details and applicable fees.

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